Wedding Workouts to get you Looking Amazing

Working out is hard.  Sometimes it feels like the stars, planets, and moon have to be perfectly aligned for us to feel completely ready to take on 60 minutes of heart pounding, exasperating exercise.  But damn are we always glad we did.  Not to mention the pressure you soon-to-be brides are under!

With the craziness, of work, friends, family, emotionally unstable dogs, it is so hard to find an hour!  Great thing is, you don't always need an hour, or a gym membership, or Nike Air's.  We know how important it is for you ladies to feel your absolute best and most confident on your wedding day, so we have compiled our favorite workouts to give you the little push or high five you may need and absolutely deserve.

Alyson's #1 go-to:

A good leg day makes me walk like I own the place (okay, maybe the day after leg day, or 3 days, whatever).  However, if I only have a couple of minutes and I want to get my heart pumping and feeling strong, I go straight to my core.

I will typically start with mountain climbers to get my body warm and heart rate up.  I don't have a certain amount or reps that I do.  I find a good song and and do as many as I can while the tempo is up, take a rest when it slows a bit and speed back up with it.

Crunches with an Exercise Ball

Wedding ready workout

Wedding ready workout

For a little extra coordination work and fun, reach  and grab the ball brining it down over your head and returning it back to your feet.  Don't have an exercise ball? No problem.  Improvise with a couch cushion, laundry basket, or gym bag full of towels!


wedding ready workouts

wedding ready workouts

Don't be scared of them!  Plank's are your friend.  60 seconds looking ahead, and without collapsing, switch to side planks and hold for 60.  Looking for a challenge?  Add some dips in there!  Lowering your hips to the ground and returning back to side plank position.

Kate's gym must: Cardio

I am so much more of a cardio girl than anything else.  I love how much energy I gain from it and breaking a sweat is instant gratification!  I have two favorites: 1) Going for a good old fashioned run, and 2) Cross Country Skiing.  Personally, I think music changes everything.  If you have trouble running more than a block or two, consider a change in tempo.  Most people think really fast paced music gets them going.  For me, it made me go to fast and burn out.  I choose something lighter and slower, like Ed Sheeran or Norah Jones Radio.  That way I can keep a steady pace.

wedding ready workouts

wedding ready workouts

Cardio and Cross Country Skiing slim and tone your entire body.  The muscles used support your back and core all day, so keeping them strong is crucial.   Not snowy where you are living?  Get some rollerblades!  It is essentially the same movement and muscle groups, and you will get the most high fives of anyone.  Style points for sunscreen and a fanny pack.

Chelsea's cant live without: Yoga

I have been doing yoga for years and have seriously fallen in love.  The challenge in new poses, strength you can honestly feel being built, and the calm quiet voice of your instructor clearing your mind, have locked me in.

My favorite pose, and I think incredibly beneficial for any level of yogi, Warrior II Pose into Warrior III Pose.

wedding ready workouts

wedding ready workouts

These poses really zero in on balance and utilize your entire body's muscle to hold Warrior II and slowly move into Warrior III.

 Fit Tip- Jillian Michaels is not in our living room's yelling at us, and following all the Victoria Scret angels on instagram does more harm than motivation-so where do we get our push??  We absolutely LOVE the photo blog for their hilarious photos, titles, and captions. They feature a section compiled totally of pictures and phrases to get you feeling 110% ready.  Go to their site and check out Daily Motivation or DAMO.  (Feel free to also enjoy Shirtless Friday) you can thank us later.

Tweak these and make your own wedding workouts and get going!  You are going to look as amazing as you feel.