Spring Cleaning? Maybe Spring Shopping


Although we didn't have the winter of our dreams here in Aspen, we had some pretty incredible powder days and we are thankful.  With that being said, we are psyched for spring!!  It is just around the corner and although that means a mud pit of a town for the next 2 months, it also means bright blue skies only graying to bring our May flowers.  Our homes will get a good spring cleaning and our fleece bed sheets washed and packed away.  The tourism will quiet down and the locals will pipe up, leading to outdoor fun and preparation for the sweet summer!  We have put together a few items to revamp your home and life for the fresh new season!  (We pre-apologize to any men in your life, these things are girly...but it is physically impossible to turn down rain boots with a bow on them).

 spring cleaningspring cleaningspring cleaning

#1-The Perfect Rain boots-  Well we know it's going to rain! Technically these are a necessity...this-exact-pair.  Classy while keeping it young.  In love.

#2-James Smith Umbrella- Convenient and fashionable in one try.  Bring on the weather!

#3-Hello/Goodbye Doormat-  I need something to wipe my perfect wet boots on!  And how polite?

#4 & #5- Square & Lumbar Pillow-  We are loving this new print by Pottery Barn this spring.  It is happy, fresh, and just the right amount of whimsical (psst-it also comes as a bed set)!

#6-Wooden Chimes-  The sound of wind chimes always reminds us of open windows and doors.  Welcome the new breeze with a little song!

#7-Face Vase- We need them all.  The unique shape, style, and pastel colors have us trimming all the plants in all the neighbors' garden's.

#8-eRide Rock Crawler's- We figured opening and ending a blog segment with shoes is never a bad idea.  THESE shoes however, are amazing; perfect for the wet and slippery terrain everyone's going to be experiencing on the first hikes of the season.  These shoes have amazing traction and amazing support for up and downhill.  No more smashed toes!

We hope everyone had a joyful, safe winter and we send our cheers' for a gorgeous and adventuresome spring season!